Offered to students admitted to Year 1 in ALL
Major/Minor ALL
Course Type
Offer in 2024 - 2025 Y N
Course Code CHEM3442
Date2024/10/11 20:22
Enquiry for Course Details
CHEM3442 Organic chemistry of biomolecules (6 credits) Academic Year 2024
Offering Department Chemistry Quota 50
Course Co-ordinator Prof P H Toy, Chemistry < >
Teachers Involved (Prof. P H Toy,Chemistry)
(Prof. Y X Li,Chemistry)
Course Objectives The major objective of this course is to give the students an understanding and appreciation of the role of organic chemistry in biology and biochemistry.
Course Contents & Topics The chemistry of organic molecule groups such as carbohydrates, amino acids, peptides, coenzymes, nucleotides and lipids will discussed.  Enzyme catalysis, cofactors and inhibitors will also be presented.
Course Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

CLO 1 have a basic understanding of biologically important organic molecules
CLO 2 have a basic understanding of enzyme catalysis
CLO 3 appreciate how organic chemistry plays an important role in biology and biochemistry
(and Co-requisites and
Impermissible combinations)
Pass in CHEM2442 or CHEM3441
Course Status with Related Major/Minor /Professional Core 2U000C00 Course not offered under any Major/Minor/Professional core
2024 Minor in Chemistry ( Disciplinary Elective )
2023 Minor in Chemistry ( Disciplinary Elective )
2022 Minor in Chemistry ( Disciplinary Elective )
2021 Minor in Chemistry ( Disciplinary Elective )
2020 Minor in Chemistry ( Disciplinary Elective )
Course to PLO Mapping
Offer in 2024 - 2025 Y        1st sem    Examination Dec     
Offer in 2025 - 2026 Y
Course Grade A+ to F
Grade Descriptors
A Demonstrate thorough mastery at an advanced level of extensive biomolecule organic chemistry knowledge, and skills required for attaining all the course learning outcomes. Show strong analytical and critical abilities and logical thinking, with evidence of original thought, and ability to apply knowledge to a wide range of complex, familiar and unfamiliar problems. Apply highly effective organizational and presentational skills.
B Demonstrate substantial command of biomolecule organic chemistry with a broad range of knowledge, and skills required for attaining at least most of the course learning outcomes. Show evidence of analytical and critical abilities and logical thinking, and ability to apply knowledge to familiar and some unfamiliar problems. Apply effective organizational and presentational skills.
C Demonstrate general but incomplete command of biomolecule organic chemistry knowledge, and skills required for attaining most of the course learning outcomes. Show evidence of some analytical and critical abilities and logical thinking, and ability to apply knowledge to most familiar problems. Apply moderately effective organizational and presentational skills.
D Demonstrate partial but limited command of biomolecule organic chemistry knowledge, and skills required for attaining some of the course learning outcomes. Show evidence of some coherent and logical thinking, but with limited analytical and critical abilities. Show limited ability to apply knowledge to solve problems. Apply limited or barely effective organizational and presentational skills.
Fail Demonstrate little or no evidence of command of biomolecule organic chemistry knowledge, and skills required for attaining the course learning outcomes. Lack of analytical and critical abilities, logical and coherent thinking. Show very little or no ability to apply knowledge to solve problems. Organization and presentational skills are minimally effective or ineffective.
Communication-intensive Course N
Course Type Lecture-based course
Course Teaching
& Learning Activities
Activities Details No. of Hours
Lectures 36
Tutorials 12
Reading / Self study 100
Assessment Methods
and Weighting
Methods Details Weighting in final
course grade (%)
Assessment Methods
to CLO Mapping
Examination 50 CLO 1,2,3
Presentation 10 CLO 1,2,3
Test (2-mid term tests) 40 CLO 1,2,3
Required/recommended reading
and online materials
Bruice, P.Y.; Organic Chemistry (Pearson, 2017, 8th edition), Chapters 20-26.
Course Website
Additional Course Information
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