Offered to students admitted to Year 1 in ALL
Major/Minor ALL
Course Type
Offer in 2024 - 2025 Y N
Course Code CHEM3144
Date2024/10/11 19:42
Enquiry for Course Details
CHEM3144 Fundamentals of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (6 credits) Academic Year 2024
Offering Department Chemistry Quota 40
Course Co-ordinator Dr K K H Ng, Chemistry < >
Teachers Involved (Dr K K H Ng,Chemistry)
(Prof. X Y Chen,Chemistry)
Course Objectives Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is one of the most powerful and versatile analytical techniques for chemists studying the conformational, structural, and dynamic properties of a wide range of materials: from small organic molecules, organometallic species, up to macromolecules and polymers. However, the associated theories and concepts in NMR can
appear formidable.  As a consequence, a modern NMR spectrometer is often treated as a 'black box', which could lead to the inadvertent generation of artefacts and misinterpretation of experimental data. This course aims to provide students with both the fundamental theories of NMR spectroscopy and hands-on training at the spectrometer, thus allowing them to gain a genuine understanding of the subject, and be competent in setting up experiments and obtaining reliable data independently.
Course Contents & Topics In this course, we will explore the capabilities of the NMR ‘black box’ and develop a deeper understanding of the physical origins of the phenomenon of magnetic resonance. Building upon the basic theory of nuclear magnetism, we shall employ the semi-classical vector model and cover topics from chemical shifts and scalar couplings to more advanced concepts like the nuclear Overhauser effect (nOe), relaxation, dynamic NMR, and polarisation transfer. We will also develop a qualitative understanding of basic NMR pulse sequences, which are at the heart of modern NMR spectroscopy. In parallel, students will gain hands-on experience at the spectrometer during the laboratory sessions, performing a range of NMR experiments.  These include simple 1D acquisitions, heteronuclear decoupling, selective excitation, nOe, and 2D experiments.  The course emphasises the practical aspects of NMR experiments, focusing on how to acquire valid and reliable data.  Data processing techniques will also be introduced.
Course Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

CLO 1 account for the theoretical foundation of NMR spectroscopy and relate NMR parameters such as chemical shift, scalar coupling constants, and relaxation time constants to molecular structure
CLO 2 analyse and understand commonly employed one-dimensional NMR pulse sequences using basic NMR theory
CLO 3 select suitable NMR experiments for structure elucidation of organic and organometallic complexes and investigation of dynamic equilibria
CLO 4 perform common NMR experiments and analyse, interpret, present and document the results
(and Co-requisites and
Impermissible combinations)
Pass in CHEM2241 or CHEM2341 or CHEM2441 or CHEM2541
Course Status with Related Major/Minor /Professional Core 2U000C00 Course not offered under any Major/Minor/Professional core
2024 Minor in Chemistry ( Disciplinary Elective )
2023 Minor in Chemistry ( Disciplinary Elective )
Course to PLO Mapping
Offer in 2024 - 2025 Y        2nd sem    Examination May     
Offer in 2025 - 2026 Y
Course Grade A+ to F
Grade Descriptors
A Demonstrate a thorough grasp of the knowledge and skills required in both theory and laboratory work regarding nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy as described in the course learning outcomes. Show strong analytical abilities, critical and logical thinking and capability to apply and integrate knowledge learnt to solve related issues and problems. Display highly effective organisation and presentation skills during assessments.
B Demonstrate substantial knowledge and skills required in both theory and laboratory work for attaining at least most of the course learning outcomes. Show reasonable analytical abilities, critical and logical thinking and capability to apply and integrate knowledge learnt to solve related issues and problems. Display effective organisation and presentation skills during assessments.
C Demonstrate general but incomplete command of knowledge and skills required in theory and laboratory work required for attaining most of the course learning outcomes. Show analytical abilities, critical and logical thinking and capability to apply and integrate knowledge learnt to solve related issues and problems. Display some organisation and presentation skills during assessments.
D Demonstrate partial and limited command of knowledge and skills required in theory and laboratory work for attaining some of the course learning outcomes. Show limited analytical abilities, critical and logical thinking and capability to apply and integrate knowledge learnt to solve related issues and problems. Display poor organisation and presentation skills during assessments.
Fail Demonstrate little or no evidence of command of knowledge and skills required in theory and laboratory work for attaining the course learning outcomes. Show little analytical abilities, critical and logical thinking and capability to apply and integrate knowledge learnt to solve related issues and problems. Display lack of organisation and presentation skills during assessments.
Communication-intensive Course N
Course Type Lecture with laboratory component course
Course Teaching
& Learning Activities
Activities Details No. of Hours
Laboratory 24
Lectures 24
Tutorials 8
Reading / Self study 100
Assessment Methods
and Weighting
Methods Details Weighting in final
course grade (%)
Assessment Methods
to CLO Mapping
Examination 40 CLO 1,2,3
Laboratory reports 20 CLO 1,3
Project report 25 CLO 1,2,3,4
Test 15 CLO 1,2,3
Required/recommended reading
and online materials
P. J. Hore: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 2015)
James Keeler: Understanding NMR Spectroscopy (Wiley, 2nd Edition, 2010)
David P. Goldenberg: Principles of NMR Spectroscopy: An Illustrated Guide (University Science Books, 2016)
Course Website NIL
Additional Course Information References to specialized texts and other published materials will be made throughout the course.
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